VIA Revision Wiki

Lecture Details[]

Joanna Mitchell; Week 2 MED1022; HEP

Lecture Content[]

Confirmation bias- pursuit of data to confirm a diagnosis over that which refutes it. Anchor bias is a resistance to adapting appropriately to subsequent data which suggests alternate diagnoses. Self-monitoring is necessary. Working memory is short term memory, structures and processes are used to temporarily store and manipulate information eg prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex, anterior cingulate, basal ganglia. ADHD is associated with impairment of the frontal lobe. Reduced working memory capacity led to errors.

Attention deficit trait is due to too much stimulus, leads to black and white thinking, difficulty staying organised, setting priorities and managing time, there is a constant low level of panic and guilt. Simple multitasking is when two tasks are given the same priority (stirring pasta while talking), complex is two tasks that demand cognition (driving while on the phone). Driving while on the phone is 2.2 times more likely to have an accident. Use within 5 minutes of a crash associated with 4.1 likelihood of crashing.

Attentional blink is gap between identifying and consolidating a stimulus in memory. Can take more than half a second and the second stimulus is often not detected. Instinctive decisions are often more accurate than not.

Miller levels of knowledge- does, shows how, knows how, knows. Bloom's taxonomy is create, evaluate, analyse, apply, understand, knowledge.

Speeding up team learning can be done by designing a team for learning, framing a challenge and creating an environment of psychological safety.

Biggs model of learning outlines surface, deep and achieving learners.

